Invocations is an album that was born on a few exercises for piano, composed in 2010 and published in 2011. But I was not satisfied with the result. So while I was writing other themes for other albums, I was also making changes to the original pieces.
In this time I had the opportunity to invite my friend Josè Oliva (guitar) to collaborate in two pieces.
By first time, Here is the integral album.
In this time I had the opportunity to invite my friend Josè Oliva (guitar) to collaborate in two pieces.
By first time, Here is the integral album.
I want to thank those who contributed to complete the full edition of this album. Hoping for everyone friends and listeners enjoy it and will have a comment about my music. .
The book art and credits are available and hosted on this download link.
The book art and credits are available and hosted on this download link.
Thanks to Daniela Vivarelli (Creative Workshop Assoziacione Culturale)
Download and install it the Babel sin Fronteras (podcasts) App for you mobile device.
Thanks to everyone!!
Jorge Estrada